WhatsApp is rolling out 21 new emojis to some users. WhatsApp has released a new version of the WhatsApp keyboard for beta users, in which there are 21 new emojis. Moreover, WhatsApp users will no longer need to download and use a different keyboard to send these 21 emojis from the latest Unicode 15.0, as they can now send directly from the official WhatsApp keyboard.
WhatsApp Introduced 21 Emojis
By the way, for your information, let us tell you that the 21 emojis that have now been introduced for the beta version were already being used through third-party keyboards. Although, the problem with third-party keyboards was that users could not use these emojis.
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Meanwhile, WhatsApp is reportedly developing a new feature — “silence unknown callers”. People are having trouble with spam calls coming on WhatsApp every day. Now, WhatsApp is going to break it with its new features. Usually, if someone in the world has your WhatsApp number then he/she can call you via WhatsApp. Now, WhatsApp is going to rein it in. WhatsApp’s new feature will block spam and unwanted calls.
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