WhatsApp as usual remains in the news with its own privacy rules debacle. Now, after issuing its deadline as May 15 and then scrapping the deadline. The social messaging platform has since seen a lot of changes in decisions. However, in a new development, it clarifies that the will not restrict features and functionalities for users who have not accepted the new rules. To recall, these new privacy rules and changes created quite an issue among users in India.
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In a statement, WhatsApp confirmed all of its features will still be available — even if you don’t accept the policy.
“Given recent discussions with various authorities and privacy experts, we want to make clear that we currently have no plans to limit the functionality of how WhatsApp works for those who have not yet accepted the update. Instead, we will continue to remind users from time to time about the update. For example: when people choose to use relevant optional features, like communicating with a business “
WhatsApp in a statement
This new privacy policy changes by WhatsApp are for the business accounts and not the personal accounts of the users. The changes are related to optional business features on WhatsApp. In addition, it also provides further transparency about how we collect and use data. And ever since then they whole situation has spiralled down for the company.
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WhatsApp’s Privacy Debacle: The Whole Run-Down
Initially, the deadline implementation was in February after just a month or two of giving prior notice. However, the Indian user’s backlash on the platform pushed the deadline to May 15, 2021. And, earlier in May, it took back its decision to withhold the ability to send or receive messages for those who didn’t accept the policy. Instead, the company said the users will lose access to chat lists and so on. Although now the situation has changed. Considering the number of users slowly accepting the terms, WhatsApp has decided to scrap it and will only send reminders from time to time.
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On the other hand, WhatsApp had moved to the Delhi High Court against the Centre’s new IT rules. The move challenged the Centre’s recent laws for social media platforms aiming to trace the message and disclose the ‘first originator’. Although MeiTY claims this is in favor to prevent fake news from doing rounds in the country like it naturally does. We will inform you more on the same as more news comes in the coming days.