Telegram has finally launched group video calls, more than a year after announcing their arrival. Users may use the update to turn their group audio conversations into video conference sessions on their mobile devices, tablets, and computers. The London-based instant messaging application is making an effort to compete with Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Apple’s FaceTime.
Telegram’s latest update includes a number of interface-level tweaks in addition to group video calls. Animated backgrounds, new message sending animations, and new animated emoji are among the changes. Telegram has been updated to include a unique menu button for bots.
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Telegram Group Video Calls
The option to convert group audio talks into video calls is a major change that Telegram offers with the update. To turn on their video in a group audio call, users just hit the camera icon. After you’ve enabled it, you can pin one of your group members to the front to see their video. Telegram also allows you to share your screen, as well as your camera feed and screen, at the same time.
During video calls, people on tablets and PCs have the option to open the side panel and see a split-screen display of the video grid and list of participants. This will be tailored for both portrait and landscape mode, Telegram claimed in a blog post.
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Animated Backgrounds and Message Animations
Telegram’s most recent update also included several new, interface-level tweaks. Telegram gets animated background with multi-color gradient wallpapers. They will generate algorithmically and change each time you send a message, which are among the changes. You can also use a variety of colors and patterns to build your own dynamic backgrounds. You may share your backgrounds among your contacts once you have created them.
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In addition, when you send a message, animation effects are now available. When transferring media files using Telegram, you’ll notice additional animation effects. Additionally, iOS users now have access to two new gradient app icons, which can be found in the app’s Settings > Appearance menu.
A new login reminder will display in Settings for iOS devices, allowing you to quickly update your phone number. In the next update, Android users will receive a similar login reminder.