The OnePlus 11 will be available in China on January 4. Along with the flagship, the company will unveil the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 flagship TWS earbuds. Both products will be available in India on February 7. Now, before the unveiling, Tipster has revealed the official Buds Pro 2 marketing renders. These showcase the overall design of the TWS, including package contents and even colour variations.
The Buds Pro 2 does not appear to be much different from the original Buds. The earbuds will be available in three colours: green, black, and a unique white. Moreover, the Buds Pro 2 will be a successor to the original OnePlus Buds Pro, which is currently a little out of date.
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OnePlus Buds Pro 2 Specifications
The earbuds may likely include 11mm and 6mm dual drivers with adaptive noise cancellation (ANC) of up to 45dB. There will be adaptive ANC assistance, which will select the amount automatically. The earbuds are said to have three microphones on each side, an LHDC 4.0 codec, and spatial audio.
Furthermore, the Buds Pro 2 has a battery life of up to 6 hours with ANC activated and up to 9 hours with ANC disabled. They will last up to 38 hours (with ANC turned off) and 22 hours with ANC turned on.
Box contents
The Buds Pro 2 packaging will include earbuds, two additional silicone ear tips in various sizes, a USB Type-A to USB Type-C connector, and some paperwork. The Buds Pro 2 will be available in three colours: Arbor Green, Obsidian Black, and White.
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