Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly rolling out a new “Call Link” feature. This feature will give users the option to schedule group calls. Let us tell you that till now this feature was present on video calling platforms like Google Meet and Zoom. In such a situation, the tension of Google Meet and Zoom has increased, because if the WhatsApp group calling schedule feature goes live, then the users of Google Meet and Zoom may decrease.
According to the report of WABetainfo, the app developers are working on a new button. With its help of which users will be able to schedule group calls. The feature is available to users who have enrolled in the TestFlight program and are using WhatsApp beta version 23.4.0.
Users can choose the call type between voice and video, and then copy the link so that they can share it with their WhatsApp chats to invite people to join the call.
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WhatsApp Call Link Feature
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At present, if you are calling, then you have to select the name of the person whom you want to call. But soon a separate group button will be available in WhatsApp, tapping on which the calling message can be scheduled. The notification of this calling message will be sent to all the users present in the group. In such a situation, the group users will know on which day and for what time the meeting has been scheduled. The new feature of WhatsApp will be for both audio and video modes.
In the group calling schedule feature, the feature of meeting reminder will also be available, with the help of which users will be able to prepare users for the meeting ahead of time.
The new call link option is released to some beta testers after installing the WhatsApp beta for Windows 2.2307.1.0 update. This update is available on the Microsoft Store, and is expected to roll out to more users over the coming days, the report said.
Many great features have been rolled out by WhatsApp in recent weeks. This includes picture-in-picture mode for video calling, which has been rolled out for iOS users. In addition, the Forward Media and Caption feature has been released.
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