Lava has recently launched Lava Yuva 4 last month in India. Now, the company has announced the Lava Blaze Duo 5G, which is about to launch in India. A new smartphone is now listed on Amazon India and is scheduled to launch in India on December 16, 2024. So, let’s read about the expected specs of Lava Blaze Duo 5G.
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Lava Blaze Duo 5G Expected Specifications
The Lava Blaze Duo 5G is set to be launched in India on December 16th at 12 PM IST. You’ll be able to buy the phone from Amazon and the Lava India online store. The Amazon page has all the details about the phone’s design and features. So, It features a 6.67-inch FHD+ 3D curved AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and an in-display fingerprint sensor for security. You will also see a secondary screen is 1.58 inches in size, compared to a slightly larger 1.74-inch screen of the Lava Agni 3.
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Furthermore, its additional display has various useful features, such as call alerts, notifications, a viewfinder for taking pictures, music playback controls, and more. This section includes two camera lenses and a built-in LED flash. Plus, there’s a 64MP AI camera highlighted with text.
The Lava Blaze Duo 5G will come with the latest Android 14 operating system and will also receive the upcoming Android 15 update. It will also powered by a powerful MediaTek Dimensity 7025 processor, making it capable of handling various tasks efficiently.
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The phone will boast a high-quality 64MP camera on the back and a 15MP front camera for clear selfies. You can choose between 6GB or 8GB of memory, which helps the phone run smoothly. Moreover, it will come with 128GB of storage space for your apps, photos, and videos. Finally, the Lava Blaze Duo will have a strong 5000mAh battery that supports quick charging at 33W. So you can recharge it quickly when you’re running low on power.
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