To attract people, domestic consumer electronics manufacturer boAt has launched a new smartwatch in India called the Wave Electra, which features a metal design, fitness trackers, Bluetooth calling, and much more. This smartwatch has a 7-day battery life and is dust and water-resistant to IP68 standards. The business recently announced several smartwatches, including the boAt Wave Ultima, boAt Wave Style, boAt Xtend Pro, and others. Let’s have a look at the new smartwatch’s pricing and specs.
The newly introduced boAt Wave Electra smartwatch will be available nationwide on December 24 for Rs 1,799 on and Amazon.
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Specifications of boAt Wave Electra
The smartwatch has a fashionable look and has four silicone strap options: light blue, blue, black, and cherry blossom. In terms of display, it has a 1.81-inch HD display with a brightness of 550 nits. It has over 20 built-in watch faces, and the firm says that customers can download over 100 watch faces.
According to the company, it will have the most recent Bluetooth chip, allowing flawless pairing communication, particularly for audio conversations. Moreover, users may save up to 50 contacts on the wristwatch and call individuals using the built-in HD microphone and speaker. They can control their smartphone’s music and camera from their wrist.
Furthermore, the smart sensors embedded into the wristwatch, according to boAt, help users stay healthy and active throughout the day while monitoring their health. The smartwatch has over 100 Sports Modes. It allows users to measure their heart rate and sleep patterns and monitor their SpO2 levels.
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