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Here’s How To Fix Battery Not Charging Issue On Your MacOS

Is your Mac’s battery not charging properly? There are ways to fix this issue. Know more in this article.

  • 1
    Why is your Mac not charging?
  • 2
    6 ways to fix battery not charging issue on Mac
    • 1. Inspect the hardware physically
    • 2. Reboot your Mac
    • 3. Check your battery health
    • 3. Reset the SMC (For non-removable battery)
    • 4. Cool your MacBook
    • 5. Look for battery draining apps
  • While MacBooks are known for their advanced features and portable usage, there are times when your mac battery stops charging properly. You are lucky if you haven’t encountered this issue, however, worry not, even if you are facing this problem currently. This article will help you fix battery not charging issue on Mac. We have discussed six methods here, you can try any.

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    Why is your Mac not charging?

    Before we move to the solutions, let us first see- what might be the reason for this issue:

    • Incorrect Settings
    • Broken Connections
    • Overheating
    • Battery Critical Conditions
    • Hardware problems

    These might be the possible problems why your Mac is throwing battery not charging issue.

    6 ways to fix battery not charging issue on Mac

    Here are the six ways to fix battery not charging issue on Mac. These methods can work on all MacBook, MacBook Air or MacBook Pro.

    1. Inspect the hardware physically

    fix battery not charging issue on mac

    If your mac is not charging, the first thing is to check the physical hardware. Look for any broken or cut spots on the charging cable. If you find any damage, that is the reason why your MacBook is not charging properly. The next thing is to check for any dust or debris that might get accumulated on the charging port causing inconvenience to the connection. Lastly, check if you are getting the proper current or not.

    2. Reboot your Mac

    Sometimes, the hardware that controls the charging of your Mac might get frozen and the best way to fix this is to reboot it. So, if your Mac is not charging properly, you can try restarting it to fix this issue.

    3. Check your battery health

    fix battery not charging issue on mac

    If you use your Mac intensively, chances are that the battery might get affected, causing the MacBook to not charge properly. That’s why you must keep on checking the battery’s health. To view the battery status, press and hold the Option (Alt) key and click the battery icon in the Menu Bar to find the following options:

    Normal: The battery is functioning well
    Service Recommended: The battery works fine but is charging less than before, You must get it replaced.

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    3. Reset the SMC (For non-removable battery)

    The SMC or System Management Controller deals with the Battery management and its status indicator lights. So, if your battery is not charging, you must reset the SMC. Here’s how to do it:

    1. Shut down your Mac and plug in the power cord.
    2. Now, press and hold Shift, ctrl and Alt and press the power button at the same time. Hold for 10 seconds.
    3. Release the keys and press the power button to turn on your Mac.

    Hopefully, doing this will fix battery not charging issue on Mac.

    4. Cool your MacBook

    fix battery not charging issue on mac

    Sometimes, overheating might be the reason why your Mac is not charging properly. Therefore, you must cool it before charging again. Simply, turn off your Mac and leave it under the fan or in a shady area for some time.

    5. Look for battery draining apps

    fix battery not charging issue on mac

    Lastly, check if you have battery draining apps installed on your Mac. If you find any such app that’s causing extreme pressure on the battery, you must remove it.

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    Highlights of the Story

    • There are several reasons why your Mac battery is not charging.
    • But there are ways to fix this issue too. Learn here, the best methods to fix battery not charging issue on your Mac.

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