Clash Royale is a multiplayer game that lets you strategise wars that you fight with other players. This game also enables you to make a collection of cards, build decks and fight with other players online. The aim of this game is straightforward; you have to either defeat the enemy King in the game or gain more points/crowns before the game’s timeline ends. You also have some fantastic and very potent magic spells that you can use to wreak havoc on your enemies. This article will tell you the Clash Royale tips and tricks that will help new players make a mark in this game and thrive in the long haul.
We have categorised the game’s tips and tricks into two categories-
1) Tips on how to make great offensive strategies
2)Tips on how to make great defensive strategies
A) Tips on how to make great offensive strategies
1)Ensure that you have a powerful set of deck
Always try to use your Win Condition Card to strike the towers like your Hog, X-Bow, Giant or the BattleRam, as these are damage dealers cards which are the main deck to ensure your victory.
After Win Condition Card, we have the Win Condition Support or Cards that will help shield your Win Conditions flaws and ensure that they become more robust for the battle.
It will be ideal for you to keep patience until your ten Elixir fills up, as it will assist you in the game. We will suggest you not put down the Hog Rider the moment you have four Elixir as you may lose the game because your enemy might have the Skeleton Army, and they may end your Hog Rider since you won’t have adequate Elixir for the arrows or zap.
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2)In case you have a terrible hand, then wait for your enemy to make the first move
Let’s suppose you have a Fireball, Tornado, Wizard and a Golem, and you are aware that they are not worth the use when the fight starts, so in such a case, keep patience and let your enemy make the first move and then you react accordingly. Try to avoid relying on this sort of tactic in every match you play.
If you have cards like Skeletons Army, Ice-Spirit or Bats, then start your game with such cards as the risk involved is less with them. If a card is 1 or 2 Elixir in worth, then you can cycle such cards unless if it is a magic spell or Ice Golem Wall Breakers, then avoid cycling such cards.
3)Fixate yourself on a Crown tower and keep on attacking it till the end
If you focus on damaging one Crown Tower, this will help you wear down that Tower in no time. This tactic is helpful in almost every match you play. But remember to avoid heading with this tactic if your enemy unleashes a Golem because, in that case, you should switch to another lane and lead with X-Bow or a Giant.
Some specific cards are feeble to other cards, so if in case you lead with Hog Rider, then use Zap/Lightning/Electro Wizard to destroy Inferno.
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4)Earn favourable Elixir transactions.
Try to use less of the Elixir when you face a troop. If you have more Elixir means you have chances to play more cards. There are a few cards that are amazing at fetching favourable Elixir trades. Inferno Tower, Knight, Skeletons and Ice Golem are a few of such cards.
Keep in mind that you are not supposed to attack everything. You can allow some Goblins to get in contact with your Tower so that you can have more Elixir to ensure your chances of winning the game.
5)Design effective blends for your troops
Dispatch a Tank, then you can, later on, send a high damage splash unit like a Wizard. Wizard can also beat Swarm Cards your enemies throw at you.
You may get an opponent who is good at knowing the game, and he may have Inferno Tower for your Giant and a Knight placed for your Wizard. Ensure that your troops push the game in your favour if in case you face any such worthy opponent.
Have magic spells to support your push, as in have Electro Wizard to counter Inferno and mini P.E.K.K.A for the Knight.
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6) Utilise less trustworthy methods to succeed or fail fast
If your enemy puts up an expensive troop against you, you should rush at your enemy with all of the Elixir you have. Seeing your rush, your enemy gets into a difficult position, and you can wreak havoc on them quickly. If an opponent is ready for such a scenario, you need to be careful as they may get some positive Elixir trades if you are not alert.
7)Exploit synergies
Synergies gel up with each other very well and are distinct from Win Conditions and Win-Conditions Supports. Synergies work great both apart and together. Some examples of paired Synergies are Fireball and Zap, P.E.K.K.A and Valkyrie, Inferno Dragon and Wizard, Balloon and Princess, Executioner and Tornado, miner and goblin barrel.
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8)Be aware of your opponent’s attacks and counters
If your enemy has Inferno Dragon to oppose your Hog, do not put your Hog in the field the moment you get your hands on it. Have patience, let your enemy use their Inferno Dragon, and let the Inferno’s health deplete. Now place your Hog, and in case you have luck by your side, your enemy should not have Inferno tower in the cycle.
B) Tips on how to make great defensive strategies
1)Put buildings in front of the King tower and place 3-4 tiles from the river.
Putting buildings in front of the King tower and placing 3-4 tiles from the river allows them to preoccupy Troops coming down from both lanes and lets you defend your towers sufficiently. This is one of the more vital Clash Royale tricks to remember.
2)Ensure the troops lead to the Tower you are thrashing if you utilise spawners.
Establish a spawner just in that route.
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3)Put a Troop after the Crown Tower that can shoot
One of the important Clash Royale tricks is regarding the Crown Tower. The Crown Tower will shield up your Troops. If your opponent has many Troops attacking, then put a long-lasting Troop to cause a distraction so that your Tower doesn’t bear much damage. You can place P.E.K.K.A in such cases.
Do not put Troops on the front side of thr Crown Tower as your enemies will have an easy time killing your Troops. Place Troops behind the Crown Tower as it will help you save your Troop for future battles and let you save some Elixir as well.
4)You should have one central defensive unit and one defensive support
The Central Defensive unit can be comprised of a building, barbarians, Minion horde, or a mixture that can function together. Helping defenders are your generally ranged attackers that face a lot of harm. This is one of the most crucial Clash Royale tricks to remember and implement.
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5)Be prepared at all moments
You may witness that your enemy has put Hog Rider at the bridge, and if you are not focused, it will cause damage to your Tower, so be prepared for the unexpected.
We hope that these Clash Royale tricks and tips have helped you gain some traction in the competition and a better sense of the game.
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