The tug of war between Facebook and Apple start when Apple announced a new feature for all its iOS devices. Known as App Tracking Transparency, or ATT in short, Cupertino’s new feature requires all Apple apps to ask users if they want to be tracked across multiple websites and apps.
If the user decides not to share their data, advertising networks such as Facebook will not be able to show personalized ads. This also makes it harder for app developers and Facebook to track you across a variety of devices.
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Facebook’s main source of revenue generation comes from targeted ads. If Apple decides to go ahead and launch ATT, it will severely affect the social media’s revenue.
ATT works by showing users a popup that asks them if they want to share their data with the app. According to Apple, the feature is designed to give users more control over how their data is shared by these apps.
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Facebook has responded by showing a popup of their own that will show up before Apple does. Basically, the popup asks for the same permission while showing the advantages offered by letting apps offer personalized ads.
While fighting Apple head-on, Facebook says that Apple shows no benefits of personalized advertising and ad tracking.
In December, Facebook went as far as running full-page newspaper ads in various newspapers criticizing Apple for its move. Facebook said that they are currently testing their popup.