Recently, the Huawei Watch GT2e smartwatch was spotted on the official Indian website of the brand, as well as in a Flipkart listing which added further details on the pricing. The Huawei Watch GT2e Price was listed as Rs 19.990 on the Flipkart page and it is unknown if this was a mistake by the company or if the brand has decided to quietly announce the smartwatch here in India. The Huawei Watch GT2e is now confirmed to launch in India post lockdown given the listing on the official website and Flipkart.
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The smartwatch was globally launched alongside the Huawei P40 Series in March and was expected to soon make it to India, the smartwatch comes with an AMOLED display and is powered by the Kirin A1 chipset with a battery life of up to 2 weeks among other features. Going by the Flipkart listing, the Huawei Watch GT2e is priced at Rs 19,990 which is noticeably higher than the starting price of the Huawei Watch GT2 that is available at Rs 14,990. Since the pricing of the watch is yet to be unveiled by the brand in India, it is advised to take the pricing on Flipkart with a pinch of salt.
The Huawei Watch GT2e comes in Active and Sports variants, the Active variant is available in Mint and Green Straps while the Sports variant is available in Lava Red and Graphite black variants. The smartphone is powered by the Kirin A1 wearable chipset and sports a 1.39-inch AMOLED display with a 454×454 resolution. The smartphone weighs in at 43 grams without the strap and the body in either black stainless steel or stainless-steel variants. The smartwatch uses the same chipset as the FreeBuds 3 Truly Wireless earbuds and comes with two buttons to the side for navigation.
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The Huawei Watch GT2e claims the 14-day battery life on a single charge and comes with 5ATM water resistance. The internal storage on the watch is of 4GB and the smartwatch comes with 15 professional workout modes such as climbing, cycling, hiking, and walking. There are also up to 85 custom workout modes and the Huawei Watch GT2e also comes with a Blood Oxygen Saturation or SpO2 sensor for stress monitoring and sleep tracking.