Noted Tipster Ishan Agarwal took to Twitter to share the expected specifications of the Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro. However, not much has been revealed about the overall specifications of the phone. The RAM and internal storage of the device has not been revealed by the tweet. However, some core specifications of the device have been tipped.
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Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro Specifications
According to the tweet, the Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro will be powered by the Snapdragon 865 SoC. Additionally, the phone will also be having a Full HD+ OLED display. Furthermore, we will also see a 144Hz refresh rate in this premium handset. This will be one of the highest refresh rates in any smartphone.
The smartphone will also be having a mega 108-megapixel camera module. Furthermore, the leaks reveal that we will see a triple-camera setup in the Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro. This will easily be one of the best cameras in the market upon its release.
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Additionally, the tweet also reveals that the smartphone will also be fueled by a 5000 mAh battery. However, a smartphone with similar specifications has been released earlier. The smartphone is none other than the Xiaomi Mi 10. The phone is another offering that has top class specifications.
The Mi 10 was launched with the Snapdragon 865 as well. Additionally, it is also a 5G enabled smartphone. We can expect to see identical features in the Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro. This is because the Mi 10 had the exact same camera setup and was powered by the Snapdragon 865 processor too.
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Price and Availability
The Xiaomi Mi 10T price in India is likely going to set at around Rs 35,000 in India. Although the device is all set to release globally, Agarwal does hint on a possible India release. Therefore, we can expect to see the device in India soon after its global release. According to the leaked pictures, we do see several colors. There is a blue and a silver color option too. However, it is not sure if all these colors will actually be available.
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We do expect to hear more from the company on this particular smartphone. Although Ishan Agarwal did give us a good idea about what the device will be like, a lot more needs to be known. The exact price point of the device along with more details on the internals needs to be known.