Qualcomm is recently launching the new Snapdragon 780G processor for 5G mobiles. It is the latest addition to its existing 7 series portfolio. The latest technology is based on a 5nm processor Technology.
The Snapdragon 780G is the first in line in the 7-series by Snapdragon. It will come with the triple image signal processor that will support 4K HDR capture.
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Specifications of Snapdragon 780G
The main specifications include an upgrade to all the existing features in Snapdragon 765G and Snapdragon 750G. Not only this but the processor will come with Kryo 670 CPU. The Kryo 760 CPU can deliver up to 40% performance and increase the efficiency of the device.
The latest processor will include a new system on chip (SoC) that will also have the Adreno 642 GPU and Hexagon 770 processor. Also, the Hexagon 770 processor is paired with the 6th generation Qualcomm engine to deliver 12 TOPs AI performance.
Moreover, the upcoming processor will have a low-power AI processor for audio processing. It will have the Snapdragon X53 5G modem RF system that can deliver up to 3.3 Gbps of download speed on sub-6GHz frequencies.
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Also, the Snapdragon 780G will be capable of supporting Wi-Fi 6 NS and Wi-Fi 6E. The chipset will consist of Bluetooth v5.2 connectivity to provide a better connection and instant pairing. It will also include the Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound Technology for an immersive sound experience.
According to the company, the Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite gaming integration will support all top AAA games. The Snapdragon 780 G will also support a full HD display with a refresh rate of 144Hz. This is the gaming industry will flourish at a higher pace.
Lastly, the vice president of Qualcomm Technologies stated that since the introduction of the Snapdragon 7-series there have been more than 350 devices based on that series. The company is continuing this Momentum by introducing the latest Snapdragon 780G 5G mobile platform. The latest platform is designed to bring premium experiences to more users around the world.