The most-awaited flagship series by Samsung, the Galaxy S25 series has finally launched in India. The lineup contains- Samsung Galaxy S25, Samsung Galaxy S25 Plus, and Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra. The starting price of the series is Rs 80,999 in India. The series comes at a price hike in comparison to its predecessor. However, the good news is that you can now purchase any handset of the Samsung Galaxy S25 series at a lucrative discount of up to Rs 18,000. So, read ahead to know how.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Series Discount: Grab Your Handset Now
The Multi-Buy Offer by Samsung lets you buy Galaxy S25 series from the Samsung Shop along with other products mentioned here.
Also Read: Top 5 Features of the Samsung Galaxy S25 You Need to Know
If you purchase Samsung Galaxy Buds3 series, Samsung Galaxy Watch7 Series, or Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra with a handset from S25 series, you can enjoy a discount of up to Rs 18,000.
So, let’s take a look at these offers:
Wearable | Price (Rs) | Multi-Buy Deal (Rs) | Final Price (Rs) |
Watch7 40mm BT | 29,999 | 10,000 | 19,999 |
Watch7 40mm LTE | 33,999 | 10,000 | 23,999 |
Watch7 44mm BT | 32,999 | 12,000 | 20,999 |
Watch7 44mm LTE | 36,999 | 12,000 | 24,999 |
Watch Ultra LTE | 59,999 | 18,000 | 41,999 |
Samsung Galaxy Buds3 | 14,999 | 5,000 | 9,999 |
Samsung Galaxy Buds3 Pro | 19,999 | 7,000 | 12,999 |
So, if you wish to purchase any premium handset from he Galaxy S25 series and a wearable with it, then this is the best discount you can avail.
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