According to recent web postings for the laptops. The Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Pro and Samsung Galaxy Book 2 Pro 360 will be available in India soon. At MWC 2022, Samsung unveiled both laptops with the Samsung Galaxy Book 2 360, Galaxy Book 2 Business, and Galaxy Book 2 laptops. Both the newly released models are Windows 11 laptops. The laptops are featuring the newest Intel Core i5 and Core i7 CPUs and up to 32GB of RAM. Samsung has not confirmed whether both laptops will be released in India.
The Book 2 Pro and Samsung Book 2 Pro 360 are available on Amazon and the company’s website. The websites, however, make no mention of when the laptops will be available in India. As per the website of Samsung, Book 2 Pro is the company’s thinnest laptop. Whereas, the Book 2 Pro 360 is a small 2-in-1 laptop with S Pen capability. The Book 2 Pro is available in two colour options: Graphite and Silver. Moreover, the Samsung Book 2 Pro 360 is released in Burgundy, Graphite, and Silver.
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Specifications of Galaxy Book 2 Pro (Expected)
The new Galaxy Book 2 Pro comes with full-HD+ AMOLED displays in 13.3-inch and 15.6-inch sizes. The laptop runs Windows 11 and is equipped with the newest Intel Core i7 and Core i5 CPUs, as well as up to 32GB of LPDDR5 RAM and a 1TB NVMe SSD drive. Dual stereo 4W speakers with Dolby Atmos, 5G connection, Wi-Fi 6E, and Bluetooth 5.1 are included in the gadget. A 63Wh battery powers the 13.3-inch model, while a 68Wh battery powers the 15.6-inch variant.
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Specifications of Galaxy Book 2 Pro 360 (Expected)
The Book 2 Pro 360 runs on Windows 11 and comes with a 13.3-inch or 15.6-inch full-HD+ Super AMOLED touchscreen display. Intel Core i7 and Core i5 CPUs with up to 32GB of LPDDR5 RAM and up to 1TB of NVMe SSD storage power the device. Dual stereo 4W speakers with Dolby Atmos, 5G connection, Wi-Fi 6E, and Bluetooth 5.1 are included in the gadget. A 63Wh battery powers the 13.3-inch model, while a 68Wh battery powers the 15.6-inch variant.
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