To recall, the Narzo 30 series first launched back in February excluding the vanilla model. Only the Narzo 30A and Narzo 30 Pro launched earlier this year. However, it looks like that the company is getting ready to unveil the vanilla model – Realme Narzo 30 4G in June. According to rumors, the device can launch on June 24th, alongside its 5G variant, Realme Buds Q2, and 32-inch smart TV. Although in a recent development, we have now spotted Narzo30 4G variant on Google Play Console, and Google Play Supported Devices list. Let us take a detailed look at the information revealed via these listings.
Realme Narzo 30 4G on Google Play Console and Supported Devices List Ahead of Launch
According to the Google Play Console listing, it confirms that the smartphone will have an FHD+ display with a 1080×2400 pixel resolution, and 480PPI pixel density. The smartphone will be powered by MediaTek MT6785 mobile processor coupled with 4GB RAM. It also mentions the model number which we can also see in the Supported Devices List below for Realme Narzo 30 4G.
Leaks suggest the Realme Narzo 30 4G features a 6.5-inch FHD+ LCD display and a 90Hz refresh rate. The phone is powered by the MediaTek Helio G95 chipset paired with 6GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. The device ships with Android 11 and Realme UI on top. The triple rear camera system includes a 48MP primary sensor, a 2MP mono lens, and a 2MP macro lens. The Realme Narzo 30 4G packs a 5,000mAh battery and supports 30W fast charging.
In the latest #AskMadhav episode, Sheth confirms that the company will be bringing the vanilla model to India. However, they have not revealed the launch date yet. Although we can expect to hear something on that soon enough. In addition, it will mostly be available on sale on Flipkart. On the other hand, the devices have already launched outside India (Malaysia) – giving us a detailed look into their specs. Both the variants – Realme Narzo 30 4G and 5G have some differences in their specifications.