Infinix launches Infinix Smart HD 2021 in India. Earlier, it revealed via Flipkart a couple of days ago. The specifications are what you expect from an entry-level smartphone. Its’ price and some of the specifications are similar to those previously listed on a dedicated page on the e-commerce platform. Additionally, it launched the Snokor A10 soundbar with four 2.5-inch all-frequency speakers.
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Infinix Smart HD 2021 Price in India, Availability
The smartphone comes with a price tag of Rs. 5,999 for the sole 2GB + 32GB storage model, as per the dedicated Flipkart page. It will be up for grabs starting 12 pm (noon) on December 24 on the e-commerce platform. In addition, the phone comes in Topaz Blue, Quartz Green, and Obsidian Black color options.
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Infinix Smart HD 2021 Specifications
It features a 6.1-inch HD+ (720×1,560 pixels) Drop-Notch display that offers 500 nits peak brightness. The phone runs XOS v6.2, powered by Android 10 (Go edition).
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Under the hood, the smartphone packs a MediaTek Helio A20 SoC, paired with 2GB RAM. Additionally, it has 32GB of onboard storage that is expandable via a microSD card (up to 256GB).
There is a fingerprint scanner on the back, and the phone comes with a face unlock feature as well. It features a gem-cut texture design and a flow pattern on the back panel.
Infinix Smart HD 2021 features an 8-MP camera with f/2.0 aperture and dual flash on the back. It also has an Auto Scene detection feature that is claimed to be capable of detecting nine different types of outdoor scenarios. For selfies and video calling, the smartphone features a 5-MP snapper at the front that comes with a Wide Selfie Mode.
Additionally, it has a hybrid tray that allows users to use two nano-SIM cards and a microSD card. The smartphone packs a 5,000mAh battery that the company claims can offer 28 hours of video playback (via headset). Besides, it also comes with a DTS-HD surround sound feature.