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Indus Appstore by PhonePe Set To Rival Play Store, Launching Soon

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    Indus AppStore To Launch On February 21 In 12 Different Languages
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    PhonePe Promises Zero Commission On In-App Purchases
  • PhonePe has announced it will soon launch its Indus Appstore in India to rival the hegemony of Google’s Play Store. This indigenous app store will be soon available for consumers later this month.

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    The Indus Appstore will be available in 12 languages, including English and other regional languages such as Marathi, Tamil and Malayalam. Here is everything you need to know about this upcoming store.

    Indus AppStore To Launch On February 21 In 12 Different Languages

    Indus Appstore to launch on February 21 in 12 Different Languages

    PhonePe has confirmed launching its Indus Appstore in India on February 21. This app store will be available in 12 different Indian languages and offers various apps, including Flipkart, Ixigo, Domino’s Pizza, Snapdeal JioMart and Bajaj Finserv.

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    Furthermore, there will be different categories of apps for users to browse through, and the company is also collaborating with developers such as A23 Rummy, Gameskraft, Dream11, Rummy Passion, and Nazara Technologies.

    PhonePe plans to rival Google’s PlayStore monopoly on Android by offering regional languages. Currently, Google has a market share of 95 per cent in the country with over one billion smartphone users.

    PhonePe Promises Zero Commission On In-App Purchases

    Moreover, PhonePe claims Indus Appstore will have zero commission on in-app purchases, unlike Apple and Google, which charge anywhere from 15 to 25 per cent on each transaction. The Walmart-owned company plans to lure developers who wish to break free from Google’s high commission charges.

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    Indus also promises better discovery of apps to developers with video-led discovery for better visibility. Furthermore, it will offer 24×7 support through email, chat and dedicated representatives to developers.

    PhonePe has also partnered with Nokia and Lava to offer Indus Appstore on their devices out of the box. Furthermore, users can download and install the app store from the website on their devices.

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    Google has been under scrutiny in various countries, including India, to allow third-party app stores on the PlayStore. It has also drawn flak from developers for its directive for the mandatory inclusion of the Google Play billing system on their app.

    Developers have claimed these charges are high and unfair, and the commission fees are often the point of contention between Google and developers. On the other hand, Indus Appstore promises to charge developers zero fees and zero commission for the first year and a nominal annual fee after the first year.

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    Highlights of the Story

    • PhonePe has confirmed it will soon launch its Indus App Store in India on February 21.
    • The App Store promises zero commissions and zero listing fee for the first year.
    • The company plans to rival Google’s Play Store by offering Indus in 12 different regional languages.