Apple will be launching its fresh iPhone 13 series on September 14. It is expected that there will be four new iPhone 13 models, including a mini variant alongside iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max. The four iPhone models will launch as a successor to the iPhone 12 series. The iPhone 13 will come with some significant internal upgrades. All the upcoming models are expected to feature the Apple A15 processor.
In a benchmark test on Apple A15’s GPU chip, it performed 13.7% faster than the A14 chip. The Manhattan 3.1 GPU benchmark test also shows the A15 chip hit 198 FPS during the first round of testing. During the second round, the numbers dropped to between 140- 150 FPS. In comparison, the A14’s peak performance was 170.7 in Manhattan 3.1 testing.
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In another leak, the Manhattan 3.1 GPU test numbers of the upcoming Samsung Exynos 2200 AMD mRDNA chip suggested that the numbers match the current A14 chip at 170.7FPS. The test after the third round of GPU further reveals that the Exynos 2200’s GPU scored 127.5 FPS, which is close to Apple A15’s test figures.
The battery capacity is said to get bigger for the 5G + 120Hz combo on the Pro models. All four iPhone models are also expected to get a faster A15 chip under the hood. Ahead of the launch, some key details of the iPhone chipset have leaked online.
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Apple iPhone 13 Features
The upcoming iPhone 13 models will have a 120Hz LTPO display on the Pro models. At the same time, the camera notch is smaller on all four iPhone models. The battery capacity is said to improve for the 5G + 120Hz combo on the Pro models. It also is confirmed that all four iPhone models will get an Apple A15 chips under the hood.
The Pro models will also come with camera upgrades. The models will feature three camera sensors and a LiDAR sensor. The ultrawide camera on the Pro models will come with autofocus support. In another fresh introduction, a 6-piece lens instead of the existing 5-piece lens is added.
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