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Want To Know How To Get Coins In Clash Of Titans? Try These Tips!

Did you know that you can get coins in Clash of Titans, with methods other than just playing matches? Check out our methods on how to get coins in Clash of Titans, so that you don’t have to worry about resources for the foreseeable future!

  • 1
    Play your first game of the day
  • 2
    Check the events
  • 3
    Play with friends
  • 4
    Use skins on your character
  • 5
    Use coin boosters
  • 6
    Summing up
  • Clash of Titans is fast becoming one of the best MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games in India. There’s a good reason for it too. The game provides incredible depth to the gameplay mechanics, with multiple unique characters to choose from. However, upgrading your characters can be a hassle, especially when you don’t have resources like coins to back you up. Don’t worry, you can acquire coins in the game without spending any real money. While it might take you a moment to get the coins with these methods, it’s much faster than just playing battles and cheaper than buying the coins. With that being said, let’s look at the ways on how to get coins in Clash of Titans!

    Play your first game of the day

    Daily and weekly rewards how to get coins in clash of titans

    Clash of Titans provides worthwhile rewards to players who play the game daily. Moreover, if you’re playing the game for the first time, you can earn rewards by achieving your first in-game victory. This reward is called the Victory Reward, and you can get 150 coins as well as 50 experience points for winning your first game. Additionally, you get weekly rewards for your progress throughout the week.

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    Check the events


    Like any other online game, Clash of Titans provides the players with a lot of content to engage in and earn some exciting rewards. You should check the game’s events periodically. If there are objectives that you can complete quickly, which reward you in coins, go for them immediately. These events tend to be limited. However, you don’t have to worry if you’ve missed out on an event. The game will provide more events for you to earn your precious coins!

    Play with friends

    Playing with friends how to get coins in clash of titans

    No, we’re not talking about you playing with random strangers online. You have to add players as your friends and play a match with them. Playing matches with your friends automatically adds a 20 per cent increase to the coins you’ll acquire from the match. So, this becomes one of the easiest methods of getting extra coins in Clash of Titans.

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    Use skins on your character

    Different skins

    Since Clash of Titans comes with a whole host of unique characters for you to choose from, it’ll undoubtedly take you some time to understand which character works best for you. Nonetheless, do you know what won’t take you time to choose? A new skin for your character. If you’re using any skin or style for your character other than the default skin, you get a 20 per cent increase in your overall coin reward at the end of the match. Add this to the coin bonus you can acquire through playing with friends, and you have an easy 40 per cent coin bonus at the end of the match. Simple, isn’t it?

    Use coin boosters

    coin boosters how to get coins in clash of titans

    Clash of Titans also offers coin-boosting bonuses to the player under certain conditions. For example, you get double the coins for your next four wins with one coin booster card. You can also acquire another coin booster card, which will double your coin intake for the next 10 wins. You can get these coin booster cards from login rewards or by completing specific objectives. Scout the game’s menus to find which objectives provide a coin booster card as a reward. Complete it immediately, and you can play the game for a set number of matches, knowing that you’ll be getting plenty of extra coins.

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    Summing up

    While some of these tips and tricks on how to get coins in Clash of Titans seem rudimentary, you’d be surprised at how many beginners are unaware of them. Hopefully, these methods will help you get the right upgrades for your character through the coin resource. In case you’ve got some other tips and tricks which are uncommon or overlooked, do let us know in the comment section below!

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    Highlights of the Story

    • Clash of Titans requires you to have coins if you plan to upgrade your character or buy items.
    • They can be quite difficult to acquire through just playing matches.
    • We’ve listed a few important methods on how to get coins in Clash of Titans, to make your gaming experience slightly easier.

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