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9 Best GTA Online Solo Missions For Money To Get Filthy Rich!

Looking for GTA online solo missions? Check out our picks of the best solo money-making missions in the game!

  • 1
    Best GTA Online Solo Missions To Earn Money
    • 1. Pier Pressure
    • 2. Simeonomics
    • 3. Rooftop Rumble
    • 4. Diamonds are for Trevor
    • 5. Blow Up
    • 6. Counter Intelligence
    • 7. Extraction
    • 8. Operation Paper Trail
    • 9. Judging the Jury
  • 2
    Summing up
  • 3
    • Is it possible to play GTA Online Solo?
    • Which GTA Online missions pay the most?
    • What is the best paying solo heist?
    • Is Cayo Perico Heist solo?
    • Can I play GTA Online by myself?
  • GTA online solo missions can give you some of the most adventurous experience within the game! They can also help you earn money while enjoying your solo ride in the game. You can gain some skills and test the weapons that you wish you. If you are a beginner, you might struggle a bit because of a lack of money and resources.

    But then these best GTA Online solo missions are here to gain some traction.

    Without any further ado, let’s check out the missions!

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    Best GTA Online Solo Missions To Earn Money

    Before we dive into the best GTA online solo missions, you’ll have to understand how the concept of earning money works in the game. Not all missions are created equal in GTA Online. Some pay more, while others pay less.

    However, all the missions have a fixed minimum payout. This payout increases based on the difficulty level and the various modifiers you can add to the mission to make things more challenging. Additionally, the time spent completing the mission matters for your base payout.

    Let’s take a look at the increments in base payouts for GTA Online Solo missions:

    Duration Range% of Payout
    Less than one minute10
    One to Two minutes25
    Two to Three minutes50
    Three to Four minutes75
    Four to Six minutes100
    Six to Eight minutes120
    Eight to 10 minutes140
    10 to 12 minutes160
    12 to 15 minutes180
    Over 15 minutes200

    It’s clear from the above list that you’ll get paid more if you spend more time on the mission. However, each mission comes with a limited amount of time. Moreover, the number of replays is limited as well. So, you’ll have to find a balance between the number of replays and the time left for the mission.

    Now let’s talk about the best GTA Online Solo Missions

    1. Pier Pressure

    Pier Pressure

    In GTA Online, a ranking system oversees the type of missions you can do. The higher your rank, the better assignments you’ll get.

    At Rank 6, you unlock the mission called Pier Pressure. This mission is on the city’s outskirts, allowing you to look at the beautiful world-building that Rockstar has achieved.

    The mission requires you to intercept a group meeting under the pier. You’ll have to eliminate every target and enemy in sight, after which you’ll have to pick up the package. After this, deliver the package to the person who assigned the mission to you.

    Upon completing the task, you’ll be rewarded with a cool $15,000. Pier Pressure is quite an easy mission if you’re good with guns in GTA 5.

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    2. Simeonomics

    Simeonomics GTA 5 Online solo missions for money

    Remember the good old days of stealing and selling cars for money in GTA III and GTA IV? Simeonomics follows the same pattern: you’ll have to find the target car, steal it, and stow it away at the assigned hiding spot.

    Upon completion, you’ll be paid money. However, things are a bit riskier in GTA Online. In Simeonomics, you’ll have to steal cars from the airport. Entering the airport in GTA 5 without authorisation has already led to a massive rise in wanted levels.

    Moreover, there are two cars to steal at the airport. Since plenty of guards exist, you’ll have to take them down via stealth. This is the only practical approach to the mission.

    You’ll have to go through the entire process twice, as once you’ve taken a vehicle, you’ll have to drop it off at Simeon’s Dealership and repeat the process for the other car. You’ll also have to deal with a three-star wanted level. So, lose the wanted levels and then meet Simeon for the reward!

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    3. Rooftop Rumble

    Rooftop Rumble

    Rooftop Rumble is one of the more difficult missions on this list, but it is perfect for making an easy $20,000. The mission’s difficulty is shown by the fact that it only unlocks after you reach Rank 75 in the game.

    You’ll have to stop a meeting between the FIB and the Professionals for this task. You’ll also have to take the documents they were about to exchange and deliver them to your mission handler.

    We recommend you go slow and take your time during this mission, as increasing the mission time usually gets you more cash in GTA V Online Solo Missions. It won’t be easy under any circumstances, so ensure that your stealth tactics are on point and you have the right weapons for the job.

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    4. Diamonds are for Trevor

    Diamonds are for Trevor

    Trevor Phillips is now one of the most iconic video game characters ever. When playing GTA Online Mission, it was clear that he had huge plans for Trevor Phillips Enterprises. So, when he assigns you a mission in GTA 5 Online Solo Missions, you’ll have to be on your toes, as you don’t want to cross with this unhinged character. Nonetheless, this mission is relatively easy, but you’ll need much firepower to complete it.

    Trevor assigns you the task of stealing diamonds from a shipment that will pass through Los Santos’s Paleto Bay. The diamonds are important for the progress of Trevor’s company, so you’ll have to acquire them and eliminate the Merryweather guards assigned to protect the shipment.

    These guards will be heavily armed and adept at shooting their targets. Therefore, you’ll have to be on your guard. Complete the mission, and Trevor will reward you with a payout of $15,540!

    5. Blow Up

    Blow Up GTA 5 Online solo missions for money

    This is one of the best missions to complete in GTA Online Solo Missions if you’re a beginner and want an easy way to make plenty of money. The mission is unlocked on Rank 12, which gives you enough time to get acquainted with the game’s mechanics. Blow Up requires you to go to a car dealership and destroy all the cars on display. Seems easy enough? However, the police can show up quite early into this one of the most craziest solo missions GTA online.

    We’d recommend you group the cars closely and blow them up together. This way, you’ll be done with the mission before the cops show up. Nonetheless, deposit the money in the bank as soon as possible after you get your reward money. After completing the mission, other players will want to eliminate you and take your reward money for themselves. So, you’ll have to watch your back on this mission. Regardless, this is relatively easy, making this one of the best GTA online solo missions.

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    6. Counter Intelligence

    Counter Intelligence

    This is another one of the simplest GTA Online solo missions that could easily provide you with $48000 and over 11000 RP. For this mission, you’ll have to triangulate the locations of two drones. Once you’ve found each drone, you’ll have to hack into them.

    Following this, the mission will take you to a motel. Upon arriving at the motel, you’ll hack into a laptop next to the TV. While you’re hacking, the room will be gassed, and you’ll wake up at the back of a van. Inside the van, there will be a puzzle to solve.

    The puzzle is comparatively easy and won’t take you too long to figure out. Once the puzzle is solved, leave the van and deliver it to the required location. However, you will have to get rid of the police cars that will be chasing after you. Upon successfully delivering the van, you’ll be rewarded for your troubles.

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    7. Extraction

    Extraction GTA 5 Online solo missions for money

    This mission will grant you up to $48000 and 11500 RP, if you complete it on higher difficulties and don’t enlist the help of other players. For this mission, your job will be to rescue Agent Johnson.

    First, you’ll be instructed to check the agent’s house for clues. As you keep tinkering with the different options, the game will eventually tell you to hop into one of the Agent’s vehicles and go through her recent GPS locations.

    Go through them until you come to the location with one of her trucks parked. Once you find the truck, you’ll notice Agent Johnson being held captive. Rescue her and take her to the IAA headquarters while avoiding the wrath of the police.

    After you complete the mission, you’ll be handsomely rewarded as well. Of course, try to complete the mission alone and at higher difficulties for the best rewards. This mission is reasonably easy and is one of the best GTA online solo missions.

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    8. Operation Paper Trail

    Operation Paper Trail

    This mission will provide you with up to $48000 and 11500 RP, if you play it on Hard difficulty and complete the mission alone. For Operation Paper Trail, you’re tasked with taking out Mason Duggan, your atypical shady personality with plenty of money.

    However, the mission is made slightly more difficult as Mason can only be found at the top of a construction site. To make your way through to the target, you’ll have to fend off multiple enemies and drone on each level. Ensure you take out as many enemies and drones as possible for higher rewards.

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    Of course, you’ll have to take construction lifts and find keycards to access the upper levels of the construction site. You’ll also have to seize a briefcase containing Clifford tech. Unfortunately, the suitcase will be with Duggan, who will make a run for it in his helicopter.

    After damaging the helicopter, jump from the building with your parachute. Get as close as possible to the rooftop. Duggan stands there with his guards. Take them all out and grab the briefcase. Once you’ve taken the suitcase in one of the best solo missions GTA online, drive to the given location, and the mission will be completed.

    9. Judging the Jury

    Judging the Jury

    Judging the Jury is the type of mission that you’d associate more with a GTA game. You can either play this GTA 5 Online Solo Missions with other players as well or go in solo. Bear in mind that playing the game solo will yield much higher rewards.

    The mission involves you completing a hit job for Martin Madrazo. The wealthy businessman decides to bribe jury members in a case and turn the tides in his favour. However, the jurors decide to keep the money for themselves and deliver a damning judgement on Madrazo.

    So, you’ll have to eliminate all the 12 members of the jury to complete the mission. The first eight jurors will be relatively easy to eliminate. For the final four, you’ll have to deal with the LCPD.

    Eliminate all the jurors, escape from the cops, and return to Martin Madrazo with the good news. This will complete the mission, thereby rewarding you handsomely. While this isn’t as easy as it sounds, it’s still one of the best GTA online solo missions.

    Summing up

    There are plenty of GTA online solo missions. However, you’ll have to pick and choose the missions carefully, as solo money-making in the game isn’t very easy. Moreover, the difficulty of the missions increases as your rank increases, often resulting in co-op missions for better chances.

    We believe that the missions we’ve listed are easy enough to complete for any player in the game, even if you’re a novice. So, let us know your thoughts on this list and your favourite GTA Online missions in the comments below!


    Is it possible to play GTA Online Solo?

    Yes, you can play solo by selecting “Invite Only Session” from the Online menu. This lets you play without others joining your game, keeping the experience personal.

    Which GTA Online missions pay the most?

    Some of the highest paying missions in GTA Online include Trash Talk, Pier Pressure, Rooftop Rumble, Judging the Jury, and Blow Up. These missions offer substantial rewards for completing them successfully.

    What is the best paying solo heist?

    The Cayo Perico Heist is the best solo heist in GTA Online. It allows you to earn millions alone, making it ideal for players who prefer solo gameplay and large payouts.

    Is Cayo Perico Heist solo?

    Yes, the Cayo Perico Heist can be done solo. It offers a significant payout and, although challenging, is doable for skilled players willing to put in the effort.

    Can I play GTA Online by myself?

    Yes, you can play GTA Online solo. Simply launch an Invite Only Session or a Solo Session from the Online menu to enjoy the game without other players.

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    Highlights of the Story

    • The world of GTA Online revolves around money and money-making.
    • There are plenty of missions that can get you large sums of cash, but they can be quite difficult.
    • We’ve selected some of the easiest and best GTA online solo missions, which can be quite helpful for beginners!

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