WhatsApp has been the most widely used free messaging app for a long time. With no competitors in the market, its user base has been growing rapidly but the worthiest competitor of WhatsApp has now crossed 500 million downloads. And yes, its Telegram. Like WhatsApp, Telegram too is a free messaging app but it has many more features. But WhatsApp due to its minimalistic interface it still is people’s favourite.
Tech-savvy people like Telegram a lot more because it gives a variety of options. Telegram, with its unique feature to act as a search engine definitely give it an upper edge. Last month, the company announced that it has crossed a user base of more than 400 million people and in just a month, the number rose to 500 million. Although Facebook-owned WhatsApp has 5 billion + downloads on the Google Play Store and the downloads of Telegram seem to be nowhere near WhatsApp, we must not deny the exponential growth we saw in case of Telegram as compared to the plateau of WhatsApp users.
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The opportunities for Telegram are immense. The thing that most users are and tech-savvy and prefer to use a simple design of WhatsApp and it is the main cause that is making Telegram lag behind. Joining Telegram channels is easy and you can find a lot of stuff like movies, web series, videos, a different type of audio / PDF files which are very easily accessible. Telegram provides you with the ability to search for Telegram channels which are helpful in numerous ways.
As people get more aware of technical stuff, they will prefer Telegram over WhatsApp. The present stats hint that the growth of Telegram may lead to the downfall of WhatsApp someday in one way or another.
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