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Telegram To Launch Its Premium Paid Subscription In June

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    Telegram To Launch Premium Paid Subscription
  • According to founder Pavel Durov, Telegram, a messaging platform, will introduce a paid membership option for its users this month. Telegram Premium users will have a larger restriction for conversations, media, and file uploads, according to a blog post by Durov. “The only way to let our most demanding fans get more while keeping our existing features free is to make those raised limits a paid option,” he said.

    Following privacy issues with bigger rival WhatsApp, owned by Meta Platforms, the app, as well as communications tool Signal, has witnessed a surge in users. According to its website, Telegram boasts 500 million monthly active users and is one of the top ten most downloaded programs worldwide.

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    Telegram To Launch Premium Paid Subscription

    Telegram paid Subscription

    The decision to provide a premium membership, according to Durov, was made to ensure that Telegram is supported largely by its users rather than advertisements.

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    According to a recent report, users who download the app are seeing a phrase. The phrase says, “Telegram will be free forever.” There are no advertisements. “There are no charges.” This might, however, change in the near future. In the most recent upgrade, code for a forthcoming version of the Telegram app was discovered online. It also has a new tagline that does not include the free motto. The additional strings imply that the company is experimenting with a new income model for the app.

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    According to noted developer Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) on Twitter, Telegram is modifying its initial slogan to introduce its premium version shortly.  The developer’s modified data strings include a new slogan. It reads, “Telegram provides free limitless cloud storage for conversations and media”. The screenshot also hints that advertisements are in the works. Additional stickers may unlock as part of the Telegram Premium membership.
