Poco India launches its own community forum for its users called Poco Community. The company claims it is for the Poco enthusiasts to get under one roof and talk about various things. Moreover, the users can share their thoughts on the upcoming products and also get their hands on exclusive products.
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Interestingly, the launch of Poco Community comes almost a year after the government banned Xiaomi’s Mi Community in the country. It is amongst the 59 apps that banned in India last year. Let us have a look at the community:
According to the company’s tweet, they are now taking in applications for beta access in the country. All you need to do is sign up for the forum by filling up a simple form. According to the company, the Poco Community is going to be a platform that will allow Poco fans and tech enthusiasts to communicate directly with the brands, give their feedback, report issues, demand products of their interest, and a lot more.
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Once the details are submitted, Poco will ask some questions to understand the knowledge of applicants about the brand. The selection, however, appears to be at the brand’s discretion for Poco Community. However, the company has not confirmed any launch date for it yet. It is also unclear whether the company would provide early access to its software updates or future announcements through its community.
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