OnePlus Nord 2 launch in India will happen in July as per the recent leaks. According to the speculations, the device can launch after the launch of OnePlus Nord CE 5G launching on June 10th. However, this is not the first we are hearing of the device’s existence. Earlier in the past, the company executives confirmed the phone’s moniker or its existence. Although now leaks are ramping up for the device as they are surfacing now more actively.
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OnePlus Nord 2 Key Specs Tipped?
As per Digital Chat Station, OnePlus will launch a new Dimensity 1200-powered device. In addition, he mentions it will have a left-aligned punch-hole and IMX766 sensor. It can also come the lower right lens is replaced with a flash (when compared with the OnePlus 9 Pro). Moreover, the price will be around Yuan 2000.
If speculations are true, this could be the OnePlus Nord 2 waiting to launch soon in India. The upcoming OnePlus phone will run on MediaTek Dimensity 1200 chipset with up to 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, improved cameras, display, and battery.
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Furthermore, OnePlus Nord 2 will probably feature a 64MP main camera inside a quad-camera system. The Dimensity 1200 chipset is built on a 6nm node and features Cortex A78 and A55 cores. It will have a faster Fluid AMOLED display with a refresh of 120Hz instead of the 90Hz on the original Nord. Similarly, faster Warp 30T charging is expected on OnePlus Nord 2 as well.
Earlier, the brand also accidentally posted the Nord 2 moniker on the official website for the US, confirming its existence. According to tipster Mukul Sharma said Nord 2 launch in India will happen in July. OnePlus Nord 2 launch is on the cards considering the evidence. Now compared to Nord CE 5G, the upcoming Nord 2 will have upgraded specifications and better features. Also, Nord 2 has also been certified on the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) platform, confirming Nord 2 India availability.
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We will find more information trickling as its launch gets closer.