Dozens of Google Play Store applications got ban after suspecting to be capturing users’ phone numbers and other personal information without their consent. Muslim prayer applications that have been installed more than 10 million times. Another barcode scanning app, and a highway speed trap detection app are among the apps that the Federal Trade Commission has prohibited. In addition, they discovered a code for data harvesting in the QR code scanning app.
Several app that Google Play Store put down were collecting information. Like, the precise location data, email and phone numbers, the IP addresses of nearby devices, and passwords, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.
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According to the study, statistical Process S. De RL’s SDK can also scan for WhatsApp downloads. To get access to customers’ personal information, they received money from a Virginia-based military contractor, which they allegedly used to pay for the development of their applications.
According to the Wall Street Journal, researchers Serge Egelman and Joel Reardon, who created AppCensus, a company that tests mobile applications for privacy and security, identified the intrusive code in the prohibited apps. In 2021, the scientists reported that they had contacted Google to share their results.
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It’s “especially worrisome” because a database mapping might use a person’s genuine email or phone number to their exact GPS position history to operate a service to check up a person’s location history only by knowing the phone number and email address, one of the researchers said in a blog post. Then, they can use that service to track journalists or dissidents or political competitors.
The Google Play Store put the several apps down on March 25. It was after Google was notified that they contained potentially hazardous spyware. However, the corporation did not respond quickly. According to Google, the programmes may got relist as long as the potentially harmful virus are not there.
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Regardless of the creator, all applications on Google Play must adhere to our regulations. We take necessary action when we find an app that breaches our standards”. When the programme was deleted from several applications, it has now reappeared.