Fire-Boltt, one of India’s well-known smartwatch producers, has launched a brand-new Fire-Boltt Cobra Rugged Outdoor Smartwatch to the market. The company has unveiled its first robust smartwatch, which is designed for usage in the outdoors and on trips. The Fire-Boltt Cobra smartwatch features an AMOLED display, 100 plus sports modes, a durable design, and much more for less than Rs 5,000.
The Fire-Boltt Cobra joins a growing trend of low-cost, durable smartwatches. The smartwatch will be available only on Flipkart beginning next week. Let’s look at the Fire-Boltt Cobra’s pricing, availability, and features immediately.
The Fire-Boltt Cobra smartwatch India costs Rs 3,499 and will be available on Flipkart beginning January 31. The smartwatch will come in a variety of colours, including black, camo green, and green.
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Fire-Boltt Cobra Rugged Outdoor smartwatch specifications
The Fire-Boltt Cobra smartwatch has a 1.78-inch AMOLED screen with a resolution of 368 x 448, a brightness of 500nits, a refresh rate of 60Hz, and Always on Display functionality. The watch boasts a strong construction that can withstand harsh outdoor conditions, as well as a three-layer body cover for excellent build quality. Furthermore, the watch comes in three different colour variations and has a silicon band that is comfortable on the skin.
As part of its smart health monitoring suite, the smartwatch includes a SpO2 sensor, an HR sensor, a sleep monitor, and a female health tracker. It offers training session monitoring capability as well as compatibility for 123 sports modes. Moreover, the watch offers Bluetooth calling with Hi-Fi audio quality. The watch is also water and dust resistant, with an IP68 rating.
Other watch capabilities include camera control, sedentary reminder, flashlight, music control, support for voice assistants like as Siri and Google Assistant, an Apple Watch-like UI, steps and fitness counter, stopwatch, and smart alerts from different applications.
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