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3 Common Methods To Calculate Percentage Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a valuable tool for entering multiple entries. We now learn some standard methods to calculate percentages in Excel.

  • 1
    Easy Formula To Calculate Percentage In Excel
  • 2
    Calculate the Percentage Of Multiple Cells In Excel
  • 3
    Calculate Percentage Automatically In Excel
  • 4
  • If you spend a lot of time in Microsoft Excel, you spend a lot of time working with numbers. Also, if you work with numbers a lot, naturally, you will require to use percentages and calculations a lot as well. Calculating percentages is essential in many situations, such as calculating marks, dividing a sum of figures, income tax, interest rates, and many such instances. The percentage is calculated whenever a desired number is divided by a hundred. In other words, divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply the result by 100, which is what is called a percentage. But how we calculate that percentage in Microsoft Excel is the tricky part.

    So, in this article, we will take a look at how you can easily calculate percentages in Excel. This post will walk you through some easy methods for calculating and displaying percentages in Excel. And you’d thoroughly like it, as they are super easy to follow. Let us begin.

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    Easy Formula To Calculate Percentage In Excel

    Although there is no fundamental percentage formula in Excel, you can use a custom formula to multiply a quantity by a percentage. For example, if you have a specific number in mind, and you want to calculate 20% of that number, you should enter 20% in another cell. Below we talk about the steps to follow this command.

    1. Enter any random number in the first cell of the Excel sheet.
    2. In the second cell or column or where B is written, enter the percentage you want to calculate out of that number. In this instance, we are typing 20%.
    3. Choose an empty cell to show the answer in. To begin generating the formula, enter an equal sign (=) followed by an open bracket.
    4. Enter the cell number, where your number is and type * after entering the cell. For example, we would type A1*, for this incident.
    5. Now again select the percentage cell and then close the bracket.
    6. Voila! Your desired result or the exact percentage of that number will be displayed in the new cell.

    So with this formula, you can easily calculate the percentage of any number in a particular cell of an Excel workbook or sheet.

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    Calculate the Percentage Of Multiple Cells In Excel

    With a few extra steps, you can easily calculate the percentage of multiple cells in a column by the same percentage formula. This method will follow the formula mentioned earlier, but we will tweak some things to show you the percentage of multiple cells.

    1. Choose or enter multiple numbers in a single column of an Excel workbook.
    2. Now choose the next column and right-click on any empty cell. Then, select Format Cells.
    3. After that, select Percentage and click on Ok.
    4. Now, choose to enter your percentage number. For instance, we are entering 20%.
    5. After entering the percentage number, drag the first cell of the column with the + icon till the end of the numbers in the first column. Or you choose to drag it to the point where you want the same calculation.
    6. Right-click on the next cell of column C, and select Format Cells. Then choose Number and then Ok.
    7. Now in the C column, type (A1*B1). Your calculate amount will now automatically reflect in that cell.
    8. After that, drag the Plus (+) down over the remaining cells in Column C. The percentage formula will be automatically copied to the other cells.

    And the percentages of all the numbers in the first column will be calculated automatically, with this method.

    Calculate Percentage Automatically In Excel

    There are also a number of built-in features and functions in Microsoft Excel that may be used to accomplish mathematical operations. One such function in Excel is the percentage calculator formula. For instance, we may need to calculate the percentage of many students in a class of the marks they obtained. You can then get their total percentage of marks by following a specific formula.

    1. First, in the row of columns, add the formula for the addition of marks of all students. Here in this example, we will add the effects of all students in three subjects.
    2. You can use the formula to add up all the required cells. For example, we will select =(E7+F7+G7) and enter this in the H7 cell. Drag the the same formula for all the rows.
    3. As known generally percentage is marks obtained divided by total marks multiplied by 100. So here we will enter =(H7/I7) in the J7 coulmn.
    4. After that you will get the divide amount. To view this in percentage, select the cell and then select Percentage from the options above.
    5. Drag the cell to all rows to apply the same formula to all cells in the resulting coulumn.

    So with this method you can easily calculate the percentages of multiple cells automatically in an Excel workbook sheet.

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    This has been a guide to calculating percentage formulas in Excel. In this post, we have seen three common ways to calculate Excel percentages. This is how percentages are generally calculated in school and everyday life. However, calculating percentages in Microsoft Excel is considerably simpler since Excel executes several processes automatically and in the background.

    With this information, you should be able to work around percentage change computations. At least two numbers are required for % change calculations. A percentage change can be either positive or negative. If the percentage decline value is negative, the percentage grew rather than decreased. We hope you will follow all the instructions carefully.

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    Highlights of the Story

    • Microsoft Excel has improved professionals’ ability to see and interact with data in the discipline of Data Analytics.
    • Percentages may also be simply computed in Microsoft Excel.
    • So, we now take a look at some of the methods to calculate percentage of a single or multiple cells in Microsoft Excel.

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