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7 Of The Best PC Games Of All Time

If you’re looking for the best PC games of all time, look no further. We’ve picked some of our top games that will keep you occupied for the foreseeable future!

  • 1
  • 2
    Mass Effect 2
  • 3
  • 4
    Resident Evil 2
  • 5
    Metro Exodus
  • 6
    Starcraft 2
  • 7
    Portal 2
  • 8
  • To call some games the best PC games of all time is a tall claim to make. After all, there are hundreds of games available for everyone to play. While there may be multiple factors that determine what makes a PC game ‘the best of all time’, people have a certain consensus on some games. This makes choosing picks for such a list much more manageable. Of course, with the technology and quality of gaming increasing with each passing day, these lists are bound to change.

    The best PC games of all time are those that provide you with solid gameplay and a worthwhile story. When you play the game, you’re almost instantly hooked on what you’re experiencing. You’ll feel for the characters and what they’re going through. In other cases, it might simply be just too much fun to run amok and destroy your surroundings. Either way, your gaming experience is elevated beyond any doubt. Sleepless nights often follow these games as we scramble to finish the story or continue with the idea of “one last match”. These games will emboss themselves onto your memory for the foreseeable future.

    Keep in mind that this list isn’t ranking the games in any particular order. It’s a list of the game that we consider to be a must addition to your games list. Let’s look at the games that we can safely call the best PC games of all time!

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    Undertale is for those players who love RPGs and indie games. In every discussion for the best PC games of all time, Undertale will pop up at least once. Moreover, this game loves to subvert players’ expectations. Undertale often brings an existential question to the fore – are your decisions simply yours, or do they affect everyone around you? This is a question that Undertale tries to answer through a heart touching story. The art style is also unique and will grow on you immediately. The game is about a girl who falls into the Underground. This is a large area under the Surface and is protected from reality through a magical barrier. Moreover, the game will remind you of the classic retro games on consoles like the Nintendo 64.

    If you want to try a game for its beautiful story and message, Undertale is as good a game as any.

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    Mass Effect 2

    Mass Effect 2 Best PC games of all time

    If you haven’t played any of the Mass Effect series, you should try the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Although the third instalment in the series received somewhat mixed reviews, the first two games are excellent. However, if you want to see where Mass Effect shines, it has to be through Mass Effect 2. The second instalment in the Mass Effect franchise reached its peak in terms of story and gameplay. It was a faithful continuation of the first game’s storyline and branched out in innumerable ways. The characters are highly memorable and make you feel the pressure of the game’s storyline stakes. Each action you take in the game has repercussions, whether short term or long term. Moreover, there are multiple endings to the game, so you have a good amount of replayability as well.

    Mass Effect 2 is definitely one of the best RPGs of all time. In addition, it’s also one of the best PC games of all time.

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    Minecraft pc game

    Of course, when discussing the best PC games of all time, Minecraft has to be on the list, right? When the game was released in 2011, people were surprised at the blocky aesthetics and unique gameplay. The game comes with two modes. The first is the creative mode, where you have unlimited resources and can build anything imaginable. The second mode is the survival mode. Here, you’ll have to survive for as many days as possible with little resources and creatures of the night attacking you. Surprisingly, both are very polished.

    Moreover, you can share and use all the mods that the Minecraft community creates. This results in almost endless content as well. With so much going on, it makes sense that Minecraft is going strong to this day. Without a doubt, it’s one of the best PC games of all time.

    Resident Evil 2

    Resident Evil 2 best pc games of all time

    This one is for all the horror fans out there. Resident Evil 2 was a complete remake of the original Resident Evil 2 released in 1998. Using a new game engine, the game was remade from the ground up. From superb graphics to tense gameplay, this remake has it all. It provides the perfect balance of action and tension. Even the usual zombies can become a challenge, and though the protagonists are strong in their own right, every enemy feels difficult. Moreover, the game’s survival aspects play a huge part in creating the atmosphere. Resources are limited, and you’ll have to decide whether you want to take on an enemy or hide and save the resources for later. Furthermore, multiple additions expand the avenues of the game. For all the survival horror lovers, Resident Evil 2 is a must-play.

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    Metro Exodus

    Metro Exodus

    If you haven’t played Metro Exodus yet, you should get going. The Metro franchise is adapted from Dmitry Glukhovsky’s post-apocalyptic fiction novel, Metro 2033. The games have been developed by 4A Games, who did some phenomenal work to introduce Glukhovsky’s fiction to the gaming world. The atmospheres are tense, bleak, desolate, and there are unfathomable mysteries that you can explore. Even as a first-person shooter, it’s a solid franchise. All of this, and more, was brought forward through Metro Exodus, the latest entry in the franchise. The game continues the story of Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light. The developers went above and beyond to produce a gorgeous game this time. It’s such a resource-hogging game that it can be used for benchmarking the latest gaming PCs and gaming laptops.

    In addition, the open-world rendition of the game has been done brilliantly. You’ll have to fight for each scrap of resource. Furthermore, the combat has been expanded to ensure that you can approach situations with plenty of freedom. Overall, this is one of the best FPS games of all time and one of the best PC games of all time.

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    Starcraft 2

    Starcraft 2 best pc games of all time

    Any strategy games fan here? If you count yourself as a strategy game nerd, there’s a good chance that you’ve played Starcraft 2. This is a military sci-fi game developed by Blizzard. When released in 2010, the game’s intuitive and complex gameplay became an instant hit with the fans. In addition, Starcraft 2 has a beautifully crafted story that is worth multiple replays. Over five years, Blizzard kept releasing content for the game, with the last release being in 2016. Ultimately, if you play the game now, you get three expansive story campaigns, a polished multiplayer, and even a tool for making maps that you can share with the rest of the community!

    Portal 2

    Portal 2

    We could’ve included other stalwarts of the gaming world, such as The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Red Dead Redemption 2, or even Grand Theft Auto V. However, for the best PC games of all time, Portal 2 cannot be left out of the discussion. The game is old – being released in 2011. Even now, it has a special place in our hearts. Portal 2 brings in complicated yet refined writing with a sense of humour that is unmatched in most video games. Moreover, the puzzles are intriguing and varied, with each puzzle challenging you to think out of the box. The game’s characters are memorable, and the learning curve is complicated but not overwhelming. Overall, Portal 2 opened the doors for later puzzle games and gave the developers enough courage to explore and experiment with gameplay mechanics.

    If such a game doesn’t deserve a spot on the list of best PC games of all time, then what does?

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    These are our top picks for the best PC games of all time. From the chilling horror in Resident Evil 2 to the philosophical worldbuilding of Undertale, there’s something for everyone here. Considering how fast the world of PC gaming is moving, it won’t be long before more wonderful games are added to this list.

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    Highlights of the Story

    • The best PC games of all time provide you with a gaming experience that hundreds of other games can’t.
    • With our top picks, you’ll find a game that’ll fit in with your preferences and interests.

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