Author: Yash | Date: Dec 20, 2023 | Time: 08:00 am
Sony recently unveiled the PS5 Slim, aiming to address concerns about the bulky design of the original model.
PS5 Slim (no disc drive): $449
PS5 Slim (with disc drive): $499
Original PS5 (no disc drive): $399
Original PS5 (disc drive): $499
PS5 Slim: 80mm x 358mm x 216mm
Original PS5: 92mm x 390mm x 260mm
Digital version
Disk version
PS5 Slim: 96mm x 358mm x 216mm
Original PS5: 104mm x 390mm x 260mm
The PS5 Slim is indeed smaller than the original, with approximately a 30 percent reduction in total volume.
In conclusion, the PS5 Slim is a better option than the PS5 Regular due to its more compact design while performing the same.
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