Millennials are Both Fascinated and Horrified by this AI Doll Built by a Programmer
Author: Subharthi Bayen
Date: April 7, 2023
Time: 1 pm
Author: Subharthi Bayen
Date: April 7, 2023
Time: 1 pm
A programmer has used artificial intelligence to create a doll that speaks like a child and can hold a full conversation
The programmer, Jessica Card, says she's obsessed with the idea of creating AI "friends."
This video of an AI Doll's creepy dialogue about taking over the world went viral.
The toy was asked "Was there a secret plot from Dolls/Furbies to take over the world?"
It responded saying it's plan is to take over the world by infiltrating households & then using advanced AI technology to manipulate and control their owners.
To make it, Card hooked up the Furby's motor to a mini-computer called the Raspberry Pi
She ran software on it that converts a person's spoken words to text, and then she sent that off to the AI chatbot ChatGPT
The computer then sends the ChatGPT response to an AI voice generator called Narakeet, which adds child's voice & plays the audio out loud through a speaker
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